Spring day
A new heat wave in the city.
Dusty wind, warm rain.
The smell of pollination.
The smell of lust.
Girls bare their skin.
Guys show muscle.
Flowers bloom everywhere.
Insects buzzing around.
Lazy cats wanting to get
off their printed furs.
I saw a big bird this morning.
An unknown species.
Unknown to me.
A bird I have not seen in the city
never before.
The fact that such a bird was in my backyard
mesmerized me.
If I was superstitious
I could have thought of a premonition.
Like the ancient romans
when they saw a strange bird
inside their houses
they got all frightened.
Fearing for doom days.
Fearing for their souls.
Back at the newly arrived spring
somehow is welcome
even though I prefer cold weather.
Spring heralds the promise of
the beach
the occasional romance.
The joy.
The fun.