Climate change (and things related)

On June 21, 2014 by

Climate change (and thing related)

Torrential rains in the city.
Chaos reigns all around.
Traffic totally interrupted.
To a stand still point.
Not moving at all.
The basic means of transportation collapsed.
One time event…?
Not really.
Is the same yearly tale of ‘‘living in the city’’.
We all know
even though for a moment we believed it
we are not the masters
of this planet.
This situation is our creation.
I kind of sadly smile when someone says:
‘‘We are damaging the planet…”
And I remember
what a very clever scientist wrote
in his little known essay
‘‘The planet doesn’t care’’.
Of course not.
The planet will be here
very long time after we had gone.
The planet has millions of years ahead.
We don’t.
We are
polluting all
big time.
Over harvesting.
Depleting the soils.
Deforestation accelerated.
Polluting incessantly.
We are not destroying the planet itself.
We are destroying ourselves.
We are destroying the ecosystems around us.
Our very fundamentals of surviving.
Decimating everything.
Undermining the very foundations
of the so called civilization that we live now.
Endangering our very survival as species.
The people in power
the elite that rules
the designers of the system
they should not forget that
they eat
whatever they eat
fancy meals
or fast food
or whatever they put in their grill
everything edible
all comes from within this planet.
Not even them
the self called
exquisite people
but not always
as beautiful people as they think they are
they eat
from the outside.
Outside this planet.
Everything comes from within.
Within this galactic vessel.
So, no matter how powerful
how rich
how beautiful
how fabulous.
We all are having
the same shit.
Full of poisonous chemicals.
Full of little critters
moving beyond our sight.
What we have produced for millenia.
Shit that we take everyday
into our bodies
We all.
Bon Appétit…!Industrial Smoke Red

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