Black hole.

On January 30, 2015 by

I am at the garden
I get out to the dark
to get my dose
my nightly dose
of cosmic rays.
I turn my head up to the sky
to the infinity
the void full of things.
Things that fall into my eyes
star dust
all wave frequencies.
Without beginning
with no end.
The full outside.
The immensity.
a distant black hole
pulls me to its deep
heavy gravity
making my dendrites
like african tribes.
And I think that
behind the black hole
millions of eyes look at me
the eyes of the millions
of the people who once
roamed this Earth.
They look at me.
And I ask them
I ask the black hole
like knocking the portal
to another dimension
beyond our comprehension
if after death
with our soul turned pressurized suit
space suit
as an interstellar vessel
if after death
we would be allowed
to float
between Magellan Clouds
pushed by Supernova winds
blinded by Quasars
chasing steamy comets
visiting Gamenidae moons.
If after death we would be allowed
to dive
into the oceans of ammonia
of a gaseous giant planet…Galaxy in the void

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