Go nuke.
What I do.
What I don’t.
What I did.
What I shouldn’t ever had done.
Including great things.
Good things.
You got the picture.
Including good and bad.
No way to erase deeds.
The collection of moments.
The collection of times.
A recounting.
An early recounting.
Say, why not.
We all should be recounting.
Doing a balance sheet.
Like a picky accountant.
Once in a while
we should make an audit.
Just to check what is going on.
Inside of us.
Outside from us.
About what we have.
Or have not.
Some control check.
Are the systems working right…
The rest
I mean
whatever is beyond
our control
our understanding
well, watch it
learn from it
and then
let it go.
Or, if it is getting
too close for comfort
to the point of harm
go nuke