Urban savage

On January 25, 2014 by eugenio.warol@gmail.com

Ok, life is wonderful.

I am not being sarcastic here.

I really love the fact that

I am alive

You don’t know me.

You could say

stupid mouth.

Yeah. I understand.

I have been around.

Not as much as a corporate executive.

Not as much as a rock’n’roll star.

Not even as much as an airline pilot.

But, anyway.

I have been around.

Not only to the most visited countries.

But to places

that even if you don’t leave the same city

that you have been living

for long.

Places you have never been before.

I don’t know.

Maybe the same places

that you have visited

many times before

at daylight.

Never at night.

You pass through those places

in the confort

of what as Sting sang

in his The Police days

‘‘…Shiny metal boxes…’’


It is difficult

to express


when you are

as much as full of wondering

as much as full of hunger

of desire

of capacity

to do more than

our urban life

so accommodating

so boring somehow…

Hey, I am not really complaining…!

I got adventure everyday….!

I see the challenge in my daily life.

Is just that sometimes I wish

I shoul have lived

at the cave…

Probing myself everyday

against beings like me



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