
On April 17, 2014 by

The next night
after the Red Moon.
Here I am.
My brain, again, at full throttle.
And there I go, thinking…
In ancient times a moon like that
was an omen.
Now we know is not such a thing.
It’s just an astronomical occurrence.
But, somehow, the color red
is menacing.
For many, or, I believe, all cultures.
The color of blood.
The color of a traffic stop sign.
The color of danger.
Also, the color of passion.
But, it is also the color of life.
Human life.
Vegetables are green.
Fishes are grey.
Reptiles are greenish, brownish.
Humans are, if you mix up everybody
somehow red.
At least our eyes get red.
After joy
after sadness
after madness…Red

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