I got company.

On August 10, 2014 by eugenio.warol@gmail.com

Sometimes mostly at night I have visitors.

Uninvited visitors.

Hard to explain.


I will tray to explain here.

Mostly at night I have company.

Weather physical or, say, non physical.

For instance.

I have unusual animals.

Unusual for this city.

Unusual for the season.

Or unusual this region at all.

Coming to me.

They walk beside me.







Some things that look like people.

I have entities.


Ghosts if you will.

I see things.

Strange lights.

Strange companion.

While I walk.

And I walk a lot.

And while I drive

and you know I love driving.

In the road.


I have, again, company.

I am not scared.

But, my knowledge is limited.

My understanding of how the world works is limited.

This world.

My primitive limited brain impedes me to understand.


that we as humans we have very limited senses.

Since we became ”civilized” we lost many perceptions.

We lost communication.

With our planet.

With our world.

With nature.

Let alone the rest of the so infinitely vast universe.

We even lost contact with ourselves…

And I believe that the presences around me

they warn me

of the dangers of forgetting who we are

and where we are standing…

.Metal wall (L) .

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