
On November 22, 2014 by eugenio.warol@gmail.com

What to buy.
A place in the heights.
A place in the burbs.
A place downtown.
A place surrounded by hills.
A place surrounded by noises.
A place where I can see the city.
A place where I can see the clouds.
What about a silent place.
Where I can play some music.
Well, not me.
The Musicians hidden in a CD.
Or hidden inside
the mystery of MP3 MP4.
A place with the Sun above.
Not all day.
Too much violet rays.
Gamma rays.
It would hurt me.
Hurt my skin.
I can feel it.
When I was younger I could.
Not anymore.
I am no longer accustomed
to live outdoors.
As Billy Corgan sang
the days are much too bright.
I am a foreign creature now.
Alien myself in this planet.
I am deviating to the theme.
So needy.
So elusive.
No perfect place exists.
Because we all want
what we don’t have.
So is the engine of existence.
Dream…Dirty Snow (L)

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